Business Process Management

Although most manufacturers do have formal procedures for their core business processes, they often struggle to enforce them in practice and therefore experience some of the same issues as companies without formalized procedures. Without a complete overview of ongoing business processes, managing such processes puts a heavy burden on the management team and requires a lot of manual communication between the parties involved, leading to lack of efficiency and errors made in the transfer of data.

Bluestar’s Business Process Management (BPM), a software BPM Microsoft, allows you to automatically delegate tasks and design, deploy and monitor end-to-end business processes. This helps you achieve a high level of efficiency when executing automated and streamlined work procedures, regardless of the level of complexity, scale and scope.

BluestarPLM Integrations Project Business Automation 1

Key Benefits

Monitor workflows in real time

Color-coding indicates the current status of workflows and workflow tasks providing an instant overview of the progress made. Automatically register all workflow activities for a full audit trail.

Enforce procedural compliance

Best practice workflows are reused as templates in repetitive business processes ensuring compliance with official procedures.

Full visual overview

Customizable reports provide an overview of performance held against deadlines and other parameters.

Tighten enterprise-wide collaboration

Workflows are deployed in enterprise-wide context enabling the entire organization to collaborate more efficiently across departments and locations.

No coding required

Workflows are quickly designed using intuitive drag and drop functionality making it an easy-to-use tool for non-technical members of staff.

Increased operational efficiency

Automated best practice workflows shorten cycle times and information routings.

Explore the functionalities

  • Monitor business processes in real-time: All CAD, PLM and ERP product data and related processes exist in Dynamics 365 F&SCM, so you can trace the progress in real-time.

  • Execute workflow-driven projects: Workflows trace product designs, requirements, and documentation back and forth between the customer and the engineering team. The entire project structure is contained in one place – Dynamics 365 F&SCM – from creation to release.

  • Work in parallel: By allowing engineers to continue designing products while procurement starts purchasing long lead time items.

What have our customers accomplished?

AMF Bakery Systems

Achieved 150% revenue growth through PLM and ERP implementation. Reduced errors and enhanced quality management improved product reliability. Streamlined processes boosted productivity across all departments.


Advanced configurator capabilities, allowing customization of products with numerous standard variants, facilitating the configuration of unique client specifications seamlessly inside Dynamics 365.


Automated mBOM creation from eBOMs, ensuring accuracy and current data. Strengthened change control, minimized duplication, and maintained data integrity, boosting traceability and preventing redundant efforts.

Key Features

Graphical workflow monitoring and automation

Graphical workflows provide an overview of the procedures they document and color-coded tasks provide a real-time overview of the progress made. Generate customizable reports and charts based on workflow statistics and parameters.

Engineering change management

Revise and manage all your items and related activities so you will always know which is the latest version. With revision you can also backtrack to find out how and when errors or mistakes happened during engineering change processes.

Alerts integration

Initiate a structured search for items, according to given product classes. Narrows down a search, making it easy to reuse certain structures and assemblies from your existing designs.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SCM integration

Bluestar Designer displays the entire BOM structure and each line from top to bottom level, as well as revision count, quantities, approval status and more.

Logic gates

Stage gates lets users decide which of several tasks in a workflow must be completed to execute the process depending on whether or not certain conditions are met.

Drag and drop workflow design

Gives you an overview of all parts that have similar geometric properties and bounding box with any item selected in CAD.

Audit trail

Reveals which of your existing designs that use items you have inserted into the CAD model you are currently designing.

Task rules

Existing workflows can be saved as best practice templates for reuse in repetitive business processes. This ensures corporate conformance and performance every time.

Other features inside Bluestar BPM

You can make modifications to already started workflows. This provides flexibility in everyday use for improved agility and productivity.

Workflows are deployed in enterprise-wide context breaking down silos between departments and locations, enforcing efficient company-wide collaboration with fewer bottlenecks and errors.

Bluestar PLM utilizes an ‘Information at your fingertips’ approach to an ISO 9000 compliant electronic archive with full revision management of data and documents.

Existing workflows can be saved as best practice templates for reuse in repetitive business processes. This ensures corporate conformance and performance every time.

Once a new workflow has been designed, the workflow logic can be validated by the click of a button. Any illogical coherences in the workflow will be pointed out to the user for revision.

Gives task assignees a list of tasks, that each needs to be done and ticked for the main task to be complete. Ensures users don’t make mistakes and finish all required subtasks.

Workflow Automation is fully embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SCM and therefore works like – and with other Microsoft technology. Workflow Automation offers a familiar user interface and is easy to maintain, develop and upgrade.

Workflow Automation enables managers to easily generate customizable reports and charts based on workflow statistics and parameters.

Users receive e-mail notifications upon incoming workflow tasks for improved user responsiveness and shorter cycle times. Simply click on a dynamics link in the e-mail to drill down to the task data.

Expand your understanding

Explore the ‘Bluestar BPM’ product sheet

Download our detailed product sheet to learn about Bluestar PLM’s Business Process Management (BPM) module. With workflows created in Bluestar BPM, you can automatically delegate tasks and design, deploy, and monitor end-to-end business processes.

This capability enables you to achieve high efficiency in executing automated and streamlined procedures, regardless of their complexity, scale, or scope.

Access our on-demand webinars

Watch our on-demand webinars and unlock insights into revolutionizing manufacturing with Bluestar PLM. Learn how our unified platform transforms the manufacturing landscape.

Discover how our solution seamlessly integrates with Service BOMs and reports, ensuring that all project data and costs are efficiently captured in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SCM.