
On this page, we have collected all our whitepapers, which you can download as PDF to learn more about different topics from why you need ERP-based PLM over how to transcend from PDM to PLM to how to implement a PLM. You can also learn more about eBOM and mBOM or how ETO manufacturers benefit from PLM embedded in Dynamics 365/AX.

If you have any unanswered questions, you can search for answers on our FAQ or contact us.

Discover how integrating PLM within ERP can propel your manufacturing and engineering company into Industry 4.0, fully leveraging product data for enhanced efficiency.

Discover the 7 essential steps for successfully implementing a PLM system, ensuring a smooth and effective process that maximizes efficiency and minimizes disruptions.

Learn how ERP-based PLM can facilitate multi-domain collaboration by offering the missing link between Engineering and Manufacturing in Microsoft D365 F&SCM.

Learn why eBOM and mBOM alignment is so difficult and how to bring your workflow to the next level with eBOM+mBOM in Bluestar PLM embedded in Microsoft D365 F&SCM.

Discover the benefits a transition from PDM to PLM has in relation to design, engineering, virtual development, production preparation, engineering changes, concurrent engineering etc.

Discover how Engineering Change Management features benefit your business as two integrated parts of single solution inside Microsoft D365 F&SCM.

Learn about the advantages that digital twin technology (virtual twin) brings to engineering and manufacturing, especially in the context of predictive maintenance.

Explore the benefits and challenges of integrating CAD, Bluestar PLM, and ERP systems, and gain insights into the future trajectory of CAD-PLM-ERP integration.

Explore the key challenges in product variant creation, such as data inconsistency and long lead times, and discover innovative solutions for better collaboration between engineering and operations.

Discover why implementing Bluestar PLM before Microsoft D365 F&SCM ERP is the ideal approach, etsablishing a solid foundation for success and ensuring one source of product truth.

Discover the top challenges in ETO, the impatcs on the business and how CAD + PLM + ERP embedded in Microsoft D365 F&SCM can solve these problems.

Interested in Growing Your Business?

Contact us and learn more about what we can offer you.

Poul Bak Pedersen
Sales Director EMEA
[email protected]