Unlocking Production Planning Efficiency: Aligning eBOM+mBOM

Download our free whitepaper to learn more about why eBOM and mBOM alignment is so difficult and how to bring your eBOM+mBOM workflow to the next level with eBOM+mBOM in Bluestar PLM embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management (D365 F&SCM).

This whitepaper delves into the importance of aligning the Engineering Bill of Materials (eBOM) with the Manufacturing Bill of Materials (mBOM) and the extensive consequences of an incorrect mBOM to production planning efficiency.

Here’s what this whitepaper unfolds:

  • From eBOM to mBOM: Even though the eBOM and the mBOM both reflect product information, the translation from eBOM to mBOM and the continuous management of mBOM challenges an efficient process. Learn more about the conversion process to understand where problems arise.

  • The consequences of mBOM inaccuracies: Understand the extensive consequences of an incorrect mBOM; Both in the preparation of the mBOM, and in case of an engineering change management to the product design and eBOM which will initiate a revision of the mBOM.

  • The benefits of working with eBOM+mBOM in Bluestar PLM embedded in D365 F&SCM: Learn how Bluestar PLM can benefit your eBOM+mBOM workflow ensuring consistent alignment between eBOM and mBOM in one system with Bluestar PLM embedded in D365 F&SCM.

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Poul Bak Pedersen
Sales Director EMEA
[email protected]