As-Built Traceability

With the As-built feature in Bluestar PLM, you will be provided with every bit of information on what happens to your product every step of the way, after designs have been approved and released to ERP. All this information is accessible in one single hub that is both easy to understand and navigate.

BluestarPLM Integrations As built Traceability

Key Features of As-built Traceability Module

One Solution

All information is accessible in one single platform which is both easy to understand and navigate.

Full Revision Control

The As-built structure of a product is under full revision control, showing all the parts and assemblies required to build the finished product and all individual revisions.

Holistic Overview

The As-built feature provides you with a holistic overview of the product and every BOM line down to the lowest level.

Your Benefits with As-built Traceability Module

Creates transparency

The As-built feature creates transparency in both processes and data, as the as-built structure is accessible to every worker in the enterprise.

Easy access to data

The user will have product ERP and PLM data at his fingertips, embedded in the D365/AX environment the user is already familiar with.

A single platform

By having ERP and PLM data collected into a single platform, you avoid the frustration of searching for information on stock, quantities and orders that is otherwise hidden in paper-trails, spreadsheets and scattered repositories.