Interlink your eBOM+mBOM with Bluestar PLM

Download our free product sheet and explore how combining eBOM+mBOM in Bluestar PLM will improve the quality of your eBOM and mBOM using one single source of data truth with Bluestar PLM embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management (D365 F&SCM).

This product sheet explores how connecting the Engineering Bill of Materials (eBOM) and the Manufacturing Bill of Materials (mBOM) provides a seamless transition from design to manufacturing within a unified system. Designed with precision for the manufacturing and engineering teams, this module simplifies the intricate process of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) by ensuring accurate, up-to-date documentation and alignment between engineering designs and manufacturing requirements making the move from design to production smooth and interconnected.

Here’s what our product sheet unveils:

  • Unified eBOM+mBOM Management: Experience the innovation of managing both eBOM and mBOM within a single system with Bluestar PLM, embedded D365 F&SCM. This approach guarantees real-time updates and alignment, significantly reducing manual data handling and the risk of inconsistencies.

  • Tailored Solutions for Global Manufacturing: Whether your operations span across one site or multiple, the eBOM+mBOM module is designed to cater to site specific manufacturing needs while maintaining a global engineering design perspective. This ensures that each manufacturing site can operate with an mBOM that’s precisely tailored to its unique requirements, promoting efficiency and resource optimization while keeping the digital thread to the global eBOM.

  • Strategic Advantages for Operational Excellence: Leverage significant operational benefits, including reduced error rates in mBOM preparation, streamlined engineering processes, improved lead times, and enhanced inventory accuracy. By making the translation from eBOM to mBOM smarter Bluestar PLM frees up engineering time for other value-adding tasks, ensuring that product data all the way from CAD models to the mBOM is interlinked and reflective of the latest design changes.

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Contact us and learn more about what we can offer you.

Poul Bak Pedersen
Sales Director EMEA
[email protected]