Product Sheets

Bluestar eCAD integration

As a manufacturer, managing projects, work-files and large packages of product data can be a burden. Especially when this information needs to be manually exchanged and managed between multiple legacy systems. BOMs, drawings, STEP – and manufacturing files all need to be stored and organized efficiently for future use, and this is a slow and error-prone process when done manually.

Many companies use multiple CADs in parallel when developing products in multi-disciplinary engineering. When design teams uses many different and disconnected design tools and CADs, from disciplines accross mechanical, electrical, electronics and software engineering, they cannot efficiently exchange the latest design revisions and changes throughout development. This makes it difficult for engineering teams, vendors and suppliers to share their interdependent designs.

Consequentially, problems and design constraints between engineering domains are discovered all too late, resulting in prolonged time-to-market as well as increased development and prototyping costs.

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