Is your company ready for Digital Product Passports?

The whitepaper “Streamline Digital Product Passports with Bluestar PLM embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SCM” elaborates upon how Bluestar PLM can simplify the management of Digital Product Passports (DPPs) to meet upcoming EU requirements.

  • Agile data handling infrastructure to meet the needs of DPPs: Present infrastructure such as smart objects and smart export provided by Bluestar PLM contribute to agile data handling, capable of satisfying the needs of DPP establishment.
  • Unified data and transparency: The data structure and transparency available through Bluestar PLM is capable of fulfilling the requirements for DPP product data, by making sure the data is up to date and transparent according to specific company needs.
  • Product compliance module: The Product Compliance Module assists in ensuring that products meet specific regulatory requirements, particularly concerning material composition, safety standards, and environmental regulations.

The established data infrastructure and present advantages provided by Bluestar PLM is just the start of solution development, as changes to the regulations will be monitored closely moving forward.

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